To order taxi from International airport Fiumicono (FCO) to Rome centre from 58 Euro, you can describe all your transfer requirements and wishes and send to the mail or WhatsApp Chat .
How to get from Rome Fiumicino Airport to Rome by train
Trains and express trains are one of the most convenient and economical modes of transport from the airport terminal to Rome.
Fiumicino Airport – Termini Station
In a direction in a mode non-stop from the station of the airport special electric trains Leonardo Express are regularly sent. Flights to Termini are every half hour, at the hours of the greatest traffic – every 15 minutes.
Fiumicino Airport – Tiburtina Station
Regular FL1 trains run at intervals of 15 minutes on weekdays and 30 minutes on weekends and holidays.
In addition, from the airport station there are high-speed trains to Venice, Padua, Bologna, Florence. Schedule and prices can be viewed on the official website of the carrier Trenitalia.
How to get from Rome to Fiumicino by bus
The bus stop at the airport is located in front of the T2 terminal, you can find it by the pointer “Regional Bus Station”.
From Rome to Fiumicino Airport, buses leave from several major stops and stations that will not be difficult to find: Piazza dei Cinquecento (in front of the recognizable National Museum building), Tiburtina station, Cornelia station (underground, line A), Eur-Magliana (line B) .
Tickets for the bus can be bought both in special kiosks, and at the entrance to the salon. The trip to Rome lasts about an hour.
Fiumicino Airport can also be reached by a special bus from Cotral.
Taxi from Fiumicino Airport
A taxi ride from Leonardo da Vinci Airport to Rome to one of the central districts of the city will cost an average of 40-60 euros. The price includes a trip for a maximum of four passengers with luggage. Please note: official taxis are white with a TAXI sign on the roof, as well as license identification numbers on the doors and in the cabin. More details about the rates – on the official website of Rome airport.